Shell script to Backup MySQL Database
Shell script to Backup MySQL Database
(Exclude the System Databases, like performance_schema & information_schema)
This script will automatically mount the share folder from backup_server and make the backup of all the databases which are in the server and execludes the system databases like performance_schema and information_schema
1. Create a shell script file with Sql_backup. sh
# vi /root/Sql_backup. sh
Code: Sql_backup. sh
#! /bin/bash
mount -t cifs //backup_server/backup_folder /mnt/backups -o
STTIME=`date +%d_%m_%y_%H`;
mkdir /mnt/backups/`echo -e $STTIME`;
cd /mnt/backups/`echo -e $STTIME`;
for x in `mysql -uusername -ppassword < /root/show.sql |
grep -v mysql | grep -v "performance_schema"| grep -v
"information_schema" | grep -v "Database"`
mysqldump -uusername -ppassword $x > `echo -e $x`.sql;
2. we have to make this script as executable
# chmod 700
/etc/Sql_backup. sh
3. Create a MySQL show.sql file
# vi /root/show.sql
#CONTENTS of the
show.sql which shows the the databases in MySQL server
Running this script automatically we needed to add this to the cron's so that we can backup the database
automatically at certain period
To list the existing cron's
# crontab -l
4. To edit the cron's
# crontab -e
# Minute Hour Day of Month Month Day of Week Command
# (0-59) (0-23) (1-31)
(1-12 or Jan-Dec) (0-6 or
0 2 12 * * /usr/bin/ Sql_backup. sh
Here I planned to do the backup for every 2 hours
* */2 * * * /root/Sql_backup. sh
Keywords: MSSQL, SQL Backups, Backup Script
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