Adding new project & Adding New users to SVN Server

Creating new projects in the SVN

Assuming that we have already SVN repository, if not you can create using this link here.

Change to the repository directory

cd /var/www/svn

Create the repository with svnadmin command

# svnadmin create new_porject_name

edit the svn access control file to give access to the project

new_project_group_name = user1, user2

@userx = rw

Now give change the owner ship of the folder to apache user and group so that it can be accessed from browsers and svn

# chown -R apache.apache  new_porject_name

Now import the initial folders to the project [brancks,tags,trunk] folders to the new project

# svn import -m 'Initial import' /tmp/svn-structure/ new_porject_name
Now edit the svnserve.conf file so that to remove the anonymous access to the project and provide access to the authorized users

vi new_porject_name /conf/svnserve.conf

## Disable anonymous access ##
anon-access = none

## Enable access control ##
authz-db = authz

Now your project is created and can be access from http://your-ip-address/svn/new_project_name

Adding new user to SVN repository

# htpasswd -m /etc/svn-auth-users testuser2

New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user testuser2

Add the users to svn access control configuration file

new_project_group_name = user1, user2, testuser2

@testuser2 = rw

Other Related links: 

Keywords: Subversion, SVN, SVN Server, Adding Users on SVN Server, Backup SVN, Restore SVN.


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